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TruthJava is a virtual café that caters to people who have been harmed by individuals and organizations. This innovative platform offers practical information, guidance, and support for those who have endured abuse, harassment, discrimination, or injustice.


TruthJava is an emotional wellness internet startup founded by Mark D. Lerner, Ph.D., who specializes in conducting clinically and empirically-based forensic psychological evaluations with people who have been harmed, TruthJava was created in collaboration with The National Center for Emotional Wellness and provides a robust path toward healing.


What distinguishes TruthJava is our unwavering commitment to truth and accountability. We firmly believe that authentic healing can only take place when the truth is acknowledged and individuals or organizations are held responsible for their actions.

TruthJava is a virtual coffee shop that caters to people who have been harmed by individuals and organizations.
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